Интервью с американским доктором акушером

Interview with doctor

Since 2003, births in the United States have become popular with women from Russia and former CIS countries and other countries that choose States for childbirth and subsequent postrodovogo period of development of your baby.
  Only through a local clinic, which our center is working and where directed all moms who want to give birth in Miami, in 2013 after more than 50 Russian women. And in Miami for more than 12 such clinics. Against this background, we met up with one of the leading experts of Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Miami this branch of medicine Dr. B.K (according to the rules of our company, we do not promote physicians as convinced that the choice you have to do yourself, so indicate only the initials of the doctor, workplace hospital Mount Sinai Miami). We asked her to answer for our readers to the most frequently asked questions on topics:
1. When to register at your clinic, in what month of pregnancy? Or should I start planning a pregnancy, already being registered in your hospital?
If you decide to have a baby in the United States, if possible, it would be better to pass examination and diagnosis in the clinic prior to the pregnancy and, if possible, and constantly monitored regularly during its course, in time to address your personal physician. After all expectant mothers age is different, and therefore health is not the same. A proper planning of pregnancy and directly affects its successful outcome. When detecting abnormalities in some women prior to conception or in early pregnancy, doctors can either completely eliminate possible problems or reduce them to the minimum level. Especially recommended for all uniquely take folic acid to prevent deviations in the formation of the nervous system of the future child. And other more tips yet deeply individual and give them only makes sense to a particular woman after a visit to the doctor.
2. What is primarily required by the expectant mother planning to have a baby in the U.S. (which documents, analyzes, surveys, etc.)?
If a patient comes to the clinic already at a late stage of pregnancy, it is advisable to have a medical certificate gynecologist, who observed her from the moment of conception, as well as the analyzes that it has already made, schedule changes and weight data of previous ultrasound. It is desirable to have all these original documents with a copy translated into English.
3. Sure whether the whole pregnancy to be in the U.S. or can reside in Russia, and only to arrive just before birth?
Not necessarily. But if a woman is planning to successful delivery, it is important to plan in advance the following visits:
11-12 weeks, 20-22 weeks, 34-35 weeks
It is important to correctly calculate the week! Considered the first day of the last menstrual period.
4. Are there any benefits from your hospital before other similar organizations on the management of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum own observations?
Our institution - private clinic with a strict hierarchy and the division of responsibilities and specializations. Top technology and modern equipment allow sophisticated diagnostics. Also there is a commission that studies the variations in fetal development, which includes experts from other fields (genetics, cardiologists, etc.) also features an extensive hospital medical staff taking birth in Miami obstetrician-gynecologist, 2 assistant, midwife, anesthetist pediatrician. All these professionals are inseparable near new mother during childbirth. Also, there are doctors who specialize in women in childbirth with various diseases (eg, diabetes). Father has a right to be present at birth, but the exception is need for caesarean section. If a man has a weak mind - presence is not recommended.
5. Is there a possibility of granting institute at the time of birth midwives speaking in Russian? If not, is it possible to invite the person?
Such a person is constantly working in the clinic yet, but is allowed to take an interpreter with you.
6. For whatever scheme conducted births in the United States? Are painkillers, if so, what?
Childbirth should not last more than 12 hours. In 98% of cases used the most modern method of anesthesia. Epidualnaya anesthesia, which has almost no effect on the child. In the spinal canal is entered analgesic agent. The woman simply ceases to feel pain below the waist, while being clear-minded and not losing the ability to control the muscles of the abdomen. All time is checked the baby's heartbeat and pressure in mothers. Thanks to this control at the slightest danger to mother or baby, doctors may resort to different methods to prevent injuries or complications.
7. How many days usually holds woman in postnatal ward? What are the conditions of post-natal care for women and newborns?
All mothers are placed in their own personal chamber, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. Services for Chamber recalls good hotel where the room has its own spacious bathroom, extra bed for a relative, automated bed, which can be controlled via remote mother herself, adjusting the height and shape of the couches in several levels. Also at the slightest need for a mother can push the red button to call the nurse at any time of the day or night. The average woman spends two days in the hospital with a normal birth or three after Caesarean sections. Clinic staff these days takes good care of the newborn, and nutrition for mothers delivered from the restaurant's own clinic in accordance with the choice of women special diet menu with a wide variety of dishes. By the way, in the House have cable TV, so my mom will not be bored.
8. What are the activities with a child in the United States (analyzes, surveys, registration)?
If a child is in order, all the time he is with his mother. After birth, the basic measurements are made, as well as examination of the newborn pediatrician. In the United States practiced unseparated child stay with the mother, even in the absence of breast milk in the first few hours after birth is considered that it is essential for a child unseparated presence of mothers with first moments baby born. First, the child receives from the mother's breast so-called colostrum, which becomes the basis of his own future intestinal flora, and within 24-48 hours appears milk. Recommended feeding on demand baby. For young, inexperienced mothers in the clinic has a personal nurse that will help to understand in the first days of motherhood with all the intricacies of proper feeding and care of the child.
On the legal registration of the newborn in the United States is better to consult further you yourself (laughs).
  Depending on the plans for the future and it will be held this or that kind of writing in the documents. In pervye1 3 months of life for the child desirable residence in relative proximity to the clinic. It is understood that it is advisable not to leave the country and not to make long trips. It is important to regularly visit the pediatrician. At this time will be held vital vaccinations and monitor the development of the basic baby to avoid any kind of complications or infection.
Thank you for this interesting information.


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